How to draw male reproductive system

The male reproductive system consists of a pair of testes, accessory glands and a system of ducts. Testes are the male reproductive organs and produce spermatozoa or sperms and also secrete the male sex hormone called Testosterone. Sperms are the haploid male gametes. 
Inside each testis, several lobules are present. Each lobule has several tubules called Seminiferous tubules. The epithelial cells lining these tubules are called Germinal epithelium. They undergo large number of mitotic divisions and one meiotic division to produce spermatozoa. The spermatozoa are released into the lumen of the tubule. The duct system consists of Vasa efferentia.They collect spermatozoa from seminiferous tubules. Vasa efferentia continue as Epididymis in which sperms are stored temporarily. From here, sperms are moved into a tubule called Vas defferens and then into urithra. 

   The accessory glands include one prostate gland, two seminal vesicles and two cowper's glands. Secretion of these glands are called Semen and are mixed with spermatozoa in the duct system. These secretions provide nutrients for the sperms and are required to keep the sperms alive. Now let's start the diagram.

 1.Draw out line of Penis and scrotum.

2.Draw urinary bladder and testis as shown, connect a line from bladder to tip of penis. 

3.Draw seminal vesicles behind bladder as shown. 

4.Connect the  Vas defferens to testis by epididymis as shown.

5. Complete the other details as shown and label the parts.Read more about Human male reproductive system click here.


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